Keeping Families Together (Biden Parole) - Vacated

On November 7, 2024, the Eastern District of Texas ruled that Keeping Families Together (Biden Parole-in-Place) exceeded DHS’s legal authority and cannot continue. In summary, the program is dead.

Technically, DHS might still appeal the Texas court’s decision, sending the issue to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals; however, it is unlikely that such appeal would be completed prior to president-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration in January 2025. We expect him to simply order DHS to withdraw any such appeal, thereby completely killing the program.

Here’s the history of the Keeping Families Together program until now:

Note that the rules of the Biden Parole program do not create a new pathway to citizenship; they simply reduce bureaucratic red tape that causes U.S. government agencies to duplicate their efforts, resulting in many years of life waiting simply on final decisions for benefits that the applicants already qualify for. While the republicans claim that the Biden administration’s parole program is for “blatant” political purposes, it is clear that this lawsuit was the blatantly political stunt.

This program was good and narrowly-tailored to simply streamline a process already in existence.

Now that the American voters have re-elected Donald Trump, despite him clearly being unfit for any public office, we can all expect a less humane, less sane, more frustrating, more complicated legal process in almost every area of life, but immigration law will be especially hard-hit. God help us all.

If you want to make an appointment to speak with an attorney, click here or on the appointment link below.


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